Privacy Notice


Thank you for visiting our website which isoperated by LEMON PRODUCT COMPANY LIMITED—— (the "Company"). We are committed to providing an exciting and safe onlineshopping experience and elevated level of personal service synonymous with the Company. This commitment includes respecting and protecting the privacy of yourpersonal information.

This privacy policy describes the types ofinformation we collect from and about you when you visit our website (each a"Site"). The Sites and all functionality and features thereon arecollectively referred to as the "Services". This privacy policy alsoexplains how the Company may use and share your personal information, as wellas your ability to control certain uses of it.

By using the Services, you agree to thecollection, use, and disclosure of your information as described in thisprivacy policy, including the transfer to and storage of yourpersonal information in the United States/Canada/Hong Kong, and agree to theTerms of Use which are incorporated by reference. If you do not agree, pleasedo not access or use the Services.

Q: What information does the Companycollect?

A: The Company may collect information from or about you in the following ways:

From the Company's Interactions With You: We collect information from and about you and your transactionsand other interactions with us. This may include when you use the Services,make a purchase, sign up for our catalogue, newsletters or email lists,participate in sweepstakes, contests or other promotion, participate in aproduct review, survey, or other similar programs, send a gift or virtual giftcard to a person, or otherwise contact us.

If you make a purchase from us, we may alsocollect the billing address.

Information You Provide About a ThirdParty: If you send someone else a communicationfrom the Services, we may collect information such as that person's name,telephone number, email, and/or shipping address.

Automatically on the Site: We, or our service providers, may use cookies, web beacons/pixeltags, log files, JavaScript, and other technologies to collect certainnon-personal information about visitors to our Site, user of our onlineservices, and interactions with our emails and online advertisements, and toallow the Company to keep track of analytics and certain statisticalinformation. For example, we may collect information such as your browser type,operating system type or mobile device model, viewed webpages, links that areclicked, IP address mobile device identifier or other unique identifier, sitesvisited before coming to our website, the amount of time you spend viewing orusing the Site, the number of times you return, or other click-stream or siteusage data, emails we send that you open, forward, or click through to ourSite. Collecting this information, and linking it with your personalinformation, helps us to tailor our website and enhance your online shoppingexperience by saving your preferences while you are visiting a particular site,and to help identify site features, promotions, advertisements, and offers thatmay be of particular interest to you and retarget online and mobileadvertisements to you across computers or devices you may use.

From Third Party Sources: We may acquire information from other sources to update orsupplement the information that you provide or that we collect automatically(such as information to validate or update your address or other demographicinformation), or when you connect with the company through a third party(including through social networks) based on your registration and privacysettings on those third party sites.

Combination of Information: We may combine the information we receive from or about you,including information you provide to us and information we automaticallycollect through the Site, as well as information across other computers ordevices that you use, with information we collect or receive about you fromother online and offline sources, or from other third party sources.

Third Party Analytics and Advertisements: We also may use third party advertisements, analytics, andtracking tools to better understand who is using the Site, how people are usingthe Site, how to improve the effectiveness of the Services and related content,and to help us or those third parties serve more targeted advertising to youacross the Internet. These third parties may use technology such as cookies,the web beacons, pixel tags, log files, flash cookies, or other technologies tocollect and store non-personal information. They may also combine informationthey collect from your interaction with the Site with information they collectfrom other sources. We do not have access to, or control over, these thirdparties' use of cookies or other tracking technologies.

Q: What are my Tracking Options?

A: Certain parts of the Site requirecookies. By registering for and using the Services, you are consenting to theuse of cookies. If you do not agree to the use of cookies, you cannot use theServices.  The following is a description of the four categories ofcookies and examples of how we use them to provide you the Services:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies – These cookies are essential toenabling you to browse and use the functionality of a website and withoutthem the Services cannot be provided. We use these cookies, among otherthings, to recognize and maintain your logged-in status throughout yourvisit and manage your shopping bag.
  • Performance Cookies – These cookies collect information abouthow visitors use the Services, for example, pages that they visit and ifthey receive error messages. This information does not identify youindividually and is used in the aggregate to improve our Services.
  • Functionality Cookies – These cookies allow us to remembercertain choices you make about how you like to use the Services andprovide you a more personalized experience, for example, your shippingcountry and currency preferences.
  • Targeting Cookies – These cookies are used to deliver onlineadvertisements that are relevant to you and your interests and to measurethe effectiveness of advertising campaigns. They may be placed on theServices by us or by our advertising partners with our permission. Formore on targeting cookies and your ability to control their use, pleasesee the Internet-based Advertising section below.

Our system may not respond to Do Not Trackrequests or headers from some or all browsers. We may use cookies or othertechnologies to deliver more relevant advertising and to link data collectedacross other computers or devices that you may use.

To understand your choices for receivingmore relevant advertising or to manage your settings, please review theinformation below:

To learn more about managing your privacy andstorage settings and opting out from receiving third party advertiser cookies,you may visit the Network Advertising Initiative's opt-out page at and follow the instructions on how to opt out. Forinstructions on how to specifically opt out of Criteo advertising services,please view the Criteo Privacy Policy at

If you wish to prevent your data from beingused by Google Analytics, Google has developed the Google Analytics opt-outbrowser add-on available at
In addition, information about cookies, including how to refuse cookies, can befound at: On your mobile device, you may also adjust your privacy and advertisingsettings to control whether you want to receive more relevant advertising.

We or our service providers may also useFlash cookies (also known as Local Stored Objects) or other similartechnologies. A Flash cookie is a small data file placed on a computer usingAdobe Flash or similar technology that may be built into your computer ordownloaded or installed by you on your computer. We use these technologies topersonalize and enhance your online experience, facilitate processes, andpersonalize and store your settings. Flash cookies may help our websitevisitors to, for example, set volume preference associated with a videoexperience, play games and perform surveys. They help us improve our websitesby measuring which areas are of greatest interest to customers. They may berecognized by other websites or by our marketing or business partners. Flashcookies are different from browser cookies and the cookie management toolsprovided by your browser may not remove Flash cookies. To learn how to manageprivacy and storage settings for Flash cookies, visit flashplayer/help/settings_manager.html.If you disable Flash cookies or other similar technologies, please be awarethat you may not have access to certain features and services that make youronline experience more efficient and enjoyable.

Q: How does the Company use theinformation collected?

A: The Company may use the information we collect from and about you for any of thefollowing purposes

  • To validate, confirm, verify, deliver, install, and track yourorder (including to process payment card transactions, arrange forshipping, handle returns and refunds, maintain a record of the purchasesyou make, and contact you about your orders, including by telephone) or toservice products you purchased from us.
  • To enhance your online shopping experience, including as a wayto recognize you and welcome you to the Site.
  • To send you catalogs, information, newsletters, promotionalmaterials and other offerings from the Company or on behalf of ourpartners and affiliates.
  • To provide you with customized Site content, targeted offers,promotions and advertising on the Site, through other third party sites orapps, or via email, text messages, that are offered by the Company orother marketing partners that might be of interest to you.
  • To improve our sites, products/services, customer service, andcustomer shopping experience.
  • To use your data in an aggregated non-specific format foranalytical and demographic purposes.
  • To protect the security or integrity of the Site and ourbusiness, such as by protecting against and preventing fraud, unauthorizedtransactions, claims and other liabilities, and managing risk exposure,including by identifying potential hackers and other unauthorized users.
  • To contact you when necessary or requested, includingresponding to your questions and comments and providing customer support.
  • As otherwise described to you at the point of data collection.

Q: What information does the Companyshare with others?

A: The Company may share personalinformation we collect from and about you in the following ways:

Company Affiliates:  We may share collected information within, the Company’saffiliated companies, and any future additions to the Company’s family ofaffiliated companies.

Co-Marketing Partners: Certain areas of the Services may be provided to you inassociation with third parties, such as companies that provide products andservices, rewards programs, conduct joint sales program, sweepstakes,promotional campaigns, and other jointly sponsored events. Such Services willidentify the third party. If you elect to register for any products and/orservices provided during the Services, you either will be providing yourinformation to both the Company and such third party, or the Company mightshare your information directly with such third party for that third party tofulfill their products and our products and services directly with you.

Other Third Parties: The Company may share your information with select partners,affiliates, and other third parties that we believe may have offers or be ofinterest to you.

Legal Disclosures; Safety: The Company may transfer and/or disclose the information wereceive from and about you to comply with a legal obligation; to provideinformation to law governmental authorities in accordance with applicable law,and when we believe in good faith that the law requires it. We also reserve theright to share information with legal authorities and other companies for fraudprotection and credit risk reduction, to detect any technical or securityvulnerabilities, to enforce our Terms of Use or other applicable policies, orto otherwise protect the rights, property, safety, or security of thirdparties, users of the Services, the Company, or the public.

Sale of Business: During the normal course of our business, we may sell or purchaseassets. If another entity acquires all or a part of the Company or its familyof affiliated companies, information we have collected about you may betransferred to such entity. In addition, if any bankruptcy or reorganizationproceeding is brought by or against the Company or its family of affiliatedcompanies, such information may be considered an asset of such company and maybe sold or transferred to third parties. Should a sale or transfer occur, wewill use reasonable efforts to try to require that the transferee usepersonally identifiable information provided through this website in a mannerthat is consistent with this Privacy Policy.

Service Providers: We use third-party service providers to perform certain serviceson our behalf when the information is necessary for them to perform theirduties.

Aggregate or Anonymous Non-PersonalInformation: We may also share or sellnon-identifiable aggregate or anonymous information with our affiliates,agents, service providers, business partners, or other third parties for theirmarketing or analytics uses or for other lawful purposes. This type ofnon-identifiable and aggregate information cannot be used to identify youpersonally.

Text Marketing and notifications (ifapplicable): By entering your phone number in the checkout and initialising apurchase, subscribing via our subscription for or a keyword, you agree that wemay send you text notifications (for your order, including abandoned cartreminders) and text marketing offers. Text marketing messages will not exceed Xper month. You can unsubscribe from further text messages by clicking on theunsubscribe link. Sending text messages or using automations requires you tofeed phone numbers or recipient names into our importer. We will store and usethis data to show you campaign analytics and results including message deliverystatus, sent status, and in some cases whether the purchase resulted in a sale.If you decide to use our link shortener in text messages, we will collectinformation on whether the link was clicked or not and use it to displayresults in your analytics. Any other third party service that you may decide touse outside of the scope of (third party link shortener, GAtracking, etc) you will be referred to their specific third party policieswhich you need to agree with. Upon sending the text messages, we will pass thedata to our text messages operator to fulfill their delivery. Information isbeing shared to our operator only upon initialising a marketing campaign. Ifyour recipients no longer wish to receive messages they have to reply to themessage with STOP or reach out to us at the email address below so we canunsubscribe them successfully.

Q: How can I view, update or removemy information?

A: If you have made a purchase, you canalso contact our Customer Service Department at the email address listed in the"Contact Us" section below to access or update any of thisinformation.

You may also exercise your rights, subjectto applicable laws, to request that we delete or restrict access to yourpersonal data. We may need to retain data for legally permitted purposes andthis will be explained to you if necessary.

Q: What choices do I have aboutreceiving communications from the Company?

A: If you make a purchase, you willautomatically receive promotional emails and direct mail from the Company. Weprovide our customers with the opportunity to "opt out" of havingtheir information used for purposes not directly related to placement,processing, fulfillment or delivery of a product order. We provide you with thefollowing options if you prefer to "opt out" of receiving informationor materials that we think may be of interest to you:

Electronic Promotional Offers: At alltimes, you have the option of "opting out" of receiving promotionalemails from the sender only by clicking the "unsubscribe" link in anyof the promotional emails you receive. In addition, if you have an onlineaccount, you may change your email preferences regarding email from us bylogging into the "Your Account" section of the website.

Direct Mail Promotional Offers: If youwould like to be removed from our Company catalog mailing list, please contacta Customer Service representative by email to stop receiving paper catalogs.

Other Contact: In all cases, you may emailus at the email address listed in the "Contact Us" section below.

Q: What are California PrivacyRights?

A: If you are a California resident, youmay request information about our disclosure of personal information to thirdparties or affiliated companies for their direct marketing purposes of personalinformation to third parties or corporate affiliates for their direct marketingpurposes. To make such request, please submit a written request to thefollowing email address specifying that you want a copy of the Company's"California Privacy Rights" notice: Pleaseinclude "Attn: California Privacy" in the subject line. We are notresponsible for notices that are not labeled or sent properly, or do not havecomplete information. Please allow up to 30 days for us to process yourrequest. You may submit such a request once per year.

Non-affiliated third parties areindependent from the Company and if you wish to receive information about yourdisclosure choices or stop communications from such third parties, you willneed to contact those non-affiliated third parties directly.

Q: What about children's privacy?

A: Protecting children's privacy isimportant to us, and the Site is not intended for children under the age ofthirteen. We do not direct the Site to, nor do we knowingly collect anypersonal information from, such children. If you are not 18 or older, you arenot authorized to use the Services. If the Company learns that a child underthe age of thirteen has provided personally identifiable information to theSite, it will use reasonable efforts to remove such information from itsfiles.  Parents should be aware that there are parental control toolsavailable online that you can use to prevent your children from submittinginformation online without parental permission or from accessing material thatis harmful to minors.

Q: What about security?

A: We have taken certain physical,administrative, and technical steps to safeguard the information we collectfrom and about our customers and Site visitors. While we make every effort tohelp ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannotguarantee our security measures. When you enter sensitive information (such ascredit card information) on our forms, we encrypt the transmission of thatinformation using secure socket layer technology (SSL).

Q: What about other websites?

A: Our website may include links tothird-party websites that are not affiliated with the Company. These websitesmay send their own cookies to visitors, collect data or solicit yourinformation. The privacy policies of these other websites may be very differentfrom our policy. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of theseother websites and cannot guarantee the security of any personal informationyou provide to or collected by such third party sites.

Q: Where and for how long is my datastored?

A: Your personal information may be storedand processed on servers in the United States/Canada/Hong Kong and is subjectto the laws of the United States/Canada/Hong Kong. The servers and databases inwhich information may be stored may be located outside the country from whichyou accessed this website and in a country where the data protection and otherlaws may differ from your country of residence. Your personal information maybe disclosed in response to inquiries or requests from government authoritiesor to respond to judicial process in the countries in which we operate. Youconsent to any such cross-border transfer of your personal information.

Personal information that we collect,access or process will be retained only so long as necessary for thefulfillment of the purposes for which it was collected, as necessary for ourlegitimate business purposes, or as required or authorized by law. Personalinformation that is no longer required to fulfil the identified purposes willbe destroyed, erased or made de-identified or anonymous.

Q: What if I live internationally?

A: Our digital operations are conducted, inwhole or in part, in the United States/Canada/Hong Kong. Regardless of whereyou live, you consent to have your personal data transferred, processed andstored in the United States/Canada/Hong Kong, and allow the Company to use andcollect your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Q: How does the Company communicatechanges to this Policy?

A: Any changes to our Privacy Policy willbe posted here so that you will always know what information we gather, how wemight use that information and whether we may disclose it to anyone. Yourcontinued use of the Site following posting of changes to these terms will meanyou accept these changes.

Q: Whom do I contact if I haveadditional questions or concerns about this policy?  How do I lodgecomplaints?

A: We welcome you to reach out if you haveany questions or concerns regarding our privacy practices. Please feel free tocontact Customer Service of LEMON PRODUCT COMPANY LIMITED—— niimbotlabel.comvia email at For all unsubscribe requests,contact For privacy related questions,contact

We are transparent about the ways in whichwe collect and use personal information and welcome your questions andconcerns. If you have any concern or complaint about the way we handle yourpersonal information, please contact us at To the extentyou believe we have not addressed your concerns or otherwise choose to do so,you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in thecountry where you reside and/or the United States. You may contact the USFederal Trade Commission regarding your concerns. For more information, pleasesee